Source code for openprompt.pipeline_base

from pickle import FALSE
from import RandomSampler
from transformers.configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig
from transformers.generation_utils import GenerationMixin
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import Dataset
from typing import *
from openprompt.data_utils import InputExample, InputFeatures
from import default_collate
from tqdm.std import tqdm
from transformers.tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer
from transformers.utils.dummy_pt_objects import PreTrainedModel
from openprompt.plms.utils import TokenizerWrapper
from openprompt.prompt_base import Template, Verbalizer
from collections import defaultdict
from openprompt.utils import round_list, signature
import numpy as np
from import DataLoader
from yacs.config import CfgNode
from openprompt.utils.logging import logger
from transformers import  AdamW, get_linear_schedule_with_warmup

[docs]class PromptDataLoader(object): r""" PromptDataLoader wraps the original dataset. The input data is firstly wrapped with the prompt's template, and then is tokenized by a wrapperd-tokenizer. Args: dataset (:obj:`Dataset` or :obj:`List`): Either a DatasetObject or a list containing the input examples. template (:obj:`Template`): A derived class of :obj:`Template` tokenizer (:obj:`PretrainedTokenizer`): The pretrained tokenizer. tokenizer_wrapper_class (:cls:`TokenizerWrapper`): The class of tokenizer wrapper. max_seq_length (:obj:`int`, optional): The max sequence length of the input ids. It's used to truncate sentences. batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional): The batch_size of data loader teacher_forcing (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to fill the mask with target text. Set to true in training generation model. decoder_max_length (:obj:`int`, optional): the decoder maximum length of an encoder-decoder model. predict_eos_token (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to predict the <eos> token. Suggest to set to true in generation. truncate_method (:obj:`bool`, optional): the truncate method to use. select from `head`, `tail`, `balanced`. kwargs :Other kwargs that might be passed into a tokenizer wrapper. """ def __init__(self, dataset: Union[Dataset, List], template: Template, tokenizer_wrapper: Optional[TokenizerWrapper] = None, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer = None, tokenizer_wrapper_class = None, verbalizer: Optional[Verbalizer] = None, max_seq_length: Optional[str] = 512, batch_size: Optional[int] = 1, shuffle: Optional[bool] = False, teacher_forcing: Optional[bool] = False, decoder_max_length: Optional[int] = -1, predict_eos_token: Optional[bool] = False, truncate_method: Optional[str] = "tail", drop_last: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ): assert hasattr(dataset, "__iter__"), f"The dataset must have __iter__ method. dataset is {dataset}" assert hasattr(dataset, "__len__"), f"The dataset must have __len__ method. dataset is {dataset}" self.raw_dataset = dataset self.wrapped_dataset = [] self.tensor_dataset = [] self.template = template self.verbalizer = verbalizer self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.teacher_forcing = teacher_forcing if tokenizer_wrapper is None: if tokenizer_wrapper_class is None: raise RuntimeError("Either wrapped_tokenizer or tokenizer_wrapper_class should be specified.") if tokenizer is None: raise RuntimeError("No tokenizer specified to instantiate tokenizer_wrapper.") tokenizer_wrapper_init_keys = signature(tokenizer_wrapper_class.__init__).args prepare_kwargs = { "max_seq_length" : max_seq_length, "truncate_method" : truncate_method, "decoder_max_length" : decoder_max_length, "predict_eos_token" : predict_eos_token, "tokenizer" : tokenizer, **kwargs, } to_pass_kwargs = {key: prepare_kwargs[key] for key in prepare_kwargs if key in tokenizer_wrapper_init_keys} self.tokenizer_wrapper = tokenizer_wrapper_class(**to_pass_kwargs) else: self.tokenizer_wrapper = tokenizer_wrapper # check the satisfiability of each component assert hasattr(self.template, 'wrap_one_example'), "Your prompt has no function variable \ named wrap_one_example" # process self.wrap() self.tokenize() if self.shuffle: sampler = RandomSampler(self.tensor_dataset) else: sampler = None self.dataloader = DataLoader( self.tensor_dataset, batch_size = self.batch_size, sampler= sampler, collate_fn = InputFeatures.collate_fct, drop_last = drop_last, )
[docs] def wrap(self): r"""A simple interface to pass the examples to prompt, and wrap the text with template. """ if isinstance(self.raw_dataset, Dataset) or isinstance(self.raw_dataset, List): assert len(self.raw_dataset) > 0, 'The dataset to be wrapped is empty.' # for idx, example in tqdm(enumerate(self.raw_dataset),desc='Wrapping'): for idx, example in enumerate(self.raw_dataset): if self.verbalizer is not None and hasattr(self.verbalizer, 'wrap_one_example'): # some verbalizer may also process the example. example = self.verbalizer.wrap_one_example(example) wrapped_example = self.template.wrap_one_example(example) self.wrapped_dataset.append(wrapped_example) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tokenize(self) -> None: r"""Pass the wrapped text into a prompt-specialized tokenizer, the true PretrainedTokenizer inside the tokenizer is flexible, e.g. AlBert, Bert, T5,... """ for idx, wrapped_example in tqdm(enumerate(self.wrapped_dataset),desc='tokenizing'): # for idx, wrapped_example in enumerate(self.wrapped_dataset): inputfeatures = InputFeatures(**self.tokenizer_wrapper.tokenize_one_example(wrapped_example, self.teacher_forcing), **wrapped_example[1]).to_tensor() self.tensor_dataset.append(inputfeatures)
def __len__(self): return len(self.dataloader) def __iter__(self,): return self.dataloader.__iter__()
[docs]class PromptModel(nn.Module): r'''``PromptModel`` is the encapsulation of ``Template`` and the ``pre-trained model``, with OpenPrompt, these modules could be flexibly combined. And this class is the base class of ``PromptForClassification`` and ``PromptForGeneration`` Args: plm (:obj:`PreTrainedModel`): The pre-trained language model for the current prompt-learning task. template (:obj:`Template`): The ``Template`` object to warp the input data. freeze_plm (:obj:`bool`): whether or not to freeze the pretrained language model plm_eval_mode (:obj:`bool`): this is a stronger freezing mode than freeze_plm, i.e. the dropout of the model is turned off. No matter whether the other part is set to train. ''' def __init__(self, plm: PreTrainedModel, template: Template, freeze_plm: bool = False, plm_eval_mode: bool=False, ): super().__init__() self.plm = plm self.template = template self.freeze_plm = freeze_plm self.plm_eval_mode = plm_eval_mode if freeze_plm: for param in self.plm.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False if plm_eval_mode: self.plm.eval() for param in self.plm.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # get model's forward function's keywords self.forward_keys = signature(self.plm.forward).args self._prepare_main_input_name() def _prepare_main_input_name(self): model = self.plm if hasattr(model, "encoder") and hasattr(model.encoder, "main_input_name"): if model.encoder.main_input_name != model.main_input_name: main_input_name = model.encoder.main_input_name else: main_input_name = model.main_input_name else: main_input_name = getattr(model, "main_input_name", "input_ids") self.main_input_name = main_input_name
[docs] def train(self, mode: bool = True): if not isinstance(mode, bool): raise ValueError("training mode is expected to be boolean") = mode for name, module in self.named_children(): if not (self.plm_eval_mode and 'plm' in name and mode): module.train(mode) return self
[docs] def forward(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]) -> torch.Tensor: r""" This is a forward method to make wrapped input data go through the model, and return the output logits. Typically, this function aims to predict the ``<mask>`` position. Args: batch (:obj:`Union[Dict, InputFeatures]`): The input features of batchified data sequences. """ batch = self.template.process_batch(batch) input_batch = {key: batch[key] for key in batch if key in self.forward_keys} outputs = self.plm(**input_batch, output_hidden_states=True) outputs = self.template.post_processing_outputs(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def prepare_model_inputs(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]) -> Dict: r"""Will be used in generation """ batch = self.template.process_batch(batch) input_batch = {key: batch[key] for key in batch if key in self.forward_keys} return input_batch
[docs]class PromptForClassification(nn.Module): r'''``PromptModel`` with a classification head on top. The classification head will map the logits in all position of the sequence (return value of a ``PromptModel``) into the logits of the labels, using a verbalizer. Args: plm (:obj:`PretrainedModel`): A pre-traiend model you decide to use for classification, e.g. BERT. template (:obj:`Template`): A ``Template`` object you use to wrap the input text for classification, e.g. ``ManualTemplate``. verbalizer (:obj:`Verbalizer`): A ``Verbalizer`` object you use to project the labels to label words for classification, e.g. ``ManualVerbalizer``. freeze_plm (:obj:`bool`): whether or not to freeze the pretrained language model plm_eval_mode (:obj:`bool`): this is a stronger freezing mode than freeze_plm, i.e. the dropout of the model is turned off. No matter whether the other part is set to train. ''' def __init__(self, plm: PreTrainedModel, template: Template, verbalizer: Verbalizer, freeze_plm: bool = False, plm_eval_mode: bool=False ): super().__init__() self.prompt_model = PromptModel(plm, template, freeze_plm, plm_eval_mode) self.verbalizer = verbalizer @property def plm(self): return self.prompt_model.plm @property def template(self): return self.prompt_model.template @property def device(self,): r"""Register the device parameter.""" return self.plm.device
[docs] def extract_at_mask(self, outputs: torch.Tensor, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]): r"""Get outputs at all <mask> token E.g., project the logits of shape (``batch_size``, ``max_seq_length``, ``vocab_size``) into logits of shape (if num_mask_token > 1) (``batch_size``, ``num_mask_token``, ``vocab_size``) or into logits of shape (if ``num_mask_token`` = 1) (``batch_size``, ``vocab_size``). Args: outputs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The original outputs (maybe process by verbalizer's `gather_outputs` before) etc. of the whole sequence. batch (:obj:`Union[Dict, InputFeatures]`): The original batch Returns: :obj:`torch.Tensor`: The extracted outputs of ``<mask>`` tokens. """ outputs = outputs[torch.where(batch['loss_ids']>0)] outputs = outputs.view(batch['loss_ids'].shape[0], -1, outputs.shape[1]) if outputs.shape[1] == 1: outputs = outputs.view(outputs.shape[0], outputs.shape[2]) return outputs
[docs] def forward(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Get the logits of label words. Args: batch (:obj:`Union[Dict, InputFeatures]`): The original batch Returns: :obj:`torch.Tensor`: The logits of the label words (obtained by the current verbalizer). """ outputs = self.prompt_model(batch) outputs = self.verbalizer.gather_outputs(outputs) if isinstance(outputs, tuple): outputs_at_mask = [self.extract_at_mask(output, batch) for output in outputs] else: outputs_at_mask = self.extract_at_mask(outputs, batch) label_words_logits = self.verbalizer.process_outputs(outputs_at_mask, batch=batch) return label_words_logits
def predict(self): pass def forward_without_verbalize(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]) -> torch.Tensor: outputs = self.prompt_model(batch) outputs = self.verbalizer.gather_outputs(outputs) outputs_at_mask = self.extract_at_mask(outputs, batch) return outputs_at_mask @property def tokenizer(self): r'''Utility property, to get the tokenizer more easily. ''' return self.verbalizer.tokenizer ## We comment this code since it conflict with [OpenDelta]( # def state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): # """ Save the model using template, plm and verbalizer's save methods.""" # _state_dict = {} # if not self.prompt_model.freeze_plm: # _state_dict['plm'] = self.plm.state_dict(*args, **kwargs) # _state_dict['template'] = self.template.state_dict(*args, **kwargs) # _state_dict['verbalizer'] = self.verbalizer.state_dict(*args, **kwargs) # return _state_dict # def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, *args, **kwargs): # """ Load the model using template, plm and verbalizer's load methods.""" # if 'plm' in state_dict and not self.prompt_model.freeze_plm: # self.plm.load_state_dict(state_dict['plm'], *args, **kwargs) # self.template.load_state_dict(state_dict['template'], *args, **kwargs) # self.verbalizer.load_state_dict(state_dict['verbalizer'], *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parallelize(self, device_map=None): r"""Parallelize the model across device """ if hasattr(self.plm, "parallelize"): self.plm.parallelize(device_map) self.device_map = self.plm.device_map self.template.cuda() self.verbalizer.cuda() else: raise NotImplementedError("parallelize method was not implemented for this plm.")
[docs] def deparallelize(self): r"""Deparallelize the model across device """ if hasattr(self.plm, "deparallelize"): self.plm.deparallelize() self.device_map = None self.template.cpu() self.verbalizer.cpu() else: raise NotImplementedError("parallelize method was not implemented for this plm.")
[docs]class PromptForGeneration(nn.Module, GenerationMixin): r'''``PromptModel`` with generation loss calculation and generation utils integrated. Args: plm (:obj:`PretrainedModel`): A pre-traiend model you decide to use for generation, e.g. GPT. template (:obj:`Template`): A ``Template`` object you use to wrap the input text for classification, e.g. ``PrefixTemplate``. tokenizer (:obj:`Tokenizer`): A ``Tokenizer`` of the current model. gen_config (:obj:`CfgNode`): The generation configs to pass into `GenerationMixin.generate <>`_ freeze_plm (:obj:`bool`): whether or not to freeze the pretrained language model plm_eval_mode (:obj:`bool`): this is a stronger freezing mode than freeze_plm, i.e. the dropout of the model is turned off. No matter whether the other part is set to train. ''' def __init__(self, plm: PreTrainedModel, template: Template, freeze_plm: bool = False, plm_eval_mode: bool = False, gen_config: Optional[CfgNode] = None, tokenizer: Optional[PreTrainedTokenizer] = None, ): super().__init__() self.freeze_plm = freeze_plm if tokenizer is None: assert template.tokenizer is not None, "Tokenizer can't be set from input args or template" self.tokenizer = template.tokenizer else: self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.prompt_model = PromptModel(plm, template, freeze_plm, plm_eval_mode) self.loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') self.config = plm.config if gen_config: for key in gen_config: setattr(self.config, key, gen_config[key]) self.in_generation_function = False self.main_input_name = self.prompt_model.main_input_name # for transformers 4.17.0 and higher. @property def plm(self): return self.prompt_model.plm @property def template(self): return self.prompt_model.template @property def device(self): return self.plm.device
[docs] def shift_logits_and_labels(self, logits, loss_ids, reference_ids): r""" Left shift the label, and make label of the positions that are not loss position to -100, which is the ignore index in pytorch's loss function. Args: logits (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): batch (:obj:`InputFeatures`): The input features of batchified data sequences. Returns: shift_logits (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): shift_input_ids (:obj:`List[int]`): """ shift_logits = logits[..., :-1, :].contiguous() shift_loss_ids = loss_ids[..., 1:].contiguous() shift_input_ids = reference_ids[..., 1:].contiguous() shift_input_ids = torch.where(shift_loss_ids>0, shift_input_ids, -100) return shift_logits, shift_input_ids
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""In generation process, it will use the plm's forward function. This is because, in the first step we will directly call the process_batch function to generate initial input with the template, after that the all template have been processed into the past_key_value, then we can use the normal generation function. In learning process, the forward is linked to ``_forward`` functions. in which the loss will be calculated for all the positions in the same time. """ if self.in_generation_function: return self.plm.forward(*args, **kwargs) else: return self._forward(*args, **kwargs)
def _forward(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures]) -> torch.Tensor: r""" This is the forward method of the training of generation in prompt-learning framework. Args: batch (:obj:`Union[Dict, InputFeatures]`): The input features of batchified data sequences. Returns: loss(:obj:torch.Tensor): The loss of the current generation procedure. """ if self.config.is_encoder_decoder: reference_ids = batch['decoder_input_ids'] else: reference_ids = batch['input_ids'] # in case in some template, these field is dropped outputs = self.prompt_model(batch) logits = outputs.logits logits, labels = self.shift_logits_and_labels(logits, batch['loss_ids'], reference_ids) batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size = logits.shape loss = self.loss_fct(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1)) loss = loss.view(batch_size, -1).sum(dim=-1) # TODO support more objectives loss = loss.mean() return loss
[docs] def generate(self, batch: Union[Dict, InputFeatures], verbose: Optional[bool]=False, **generation_kwargs): r""" This function wraps the generate() methods in parent class ``GenerationMixin``. Forward uses the ``PretrainedModel``'s forward method. generation_kwargs include all the parameters that are passed in to ``transformers.generation_util.GenerationMixin.generate`` Args: batch (:obj:`Union[Dict, InputFeatures]`): The input features of batchified data sequences. verbose (:obj:`Optional[bool]`): Set to true to verbose the generated sentence. Returns: output_sequences (:obj:`List[torch.Tensor]`): The raw sequences generated by the generation model. generated_sentences (:obj:`List[torch.Tensor]`): The generated sentences that have been post-processed. """ input_generation_kwargs = {key: value for key,value in generation_kwargs.items() if key in signature(GenerationMixin.generate).args} if self.config.is_encoder_decoder: loss_ids_start = batch['loss_ids'].argmax(dim=-1) assert loss_ids_start.min() == loss_ids_start.max(), "The generation start from different position in a batch." batch['decoder_input_ids'] = batch['decoder_input_ids'][:, :loss_ids_start.min()+1] input_length = batch['decoder_input_ids'].size(1) batch_size = batch['decoder_input_ids'].size(0) self.generate_ith_token = 0 self.in_generation_function = True output_sequences = super().generate(**batch, **input_generation_kwargs, pad_token_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=self.tokenizer.eos_token_id) self.in_generation_function = False output_sequences = output_sequences.cpu().tolist() generated_sentences = self.post_processing(output_sequences=output_sequences, input_lengths=input_length) else: input_length = batch['input_ids'].size(1) batch_size = batch['input_ids'].size(0) # Currently huggingface transformers only support single sample generation, or padding to the left (instead of the right). # because it will only extract the last position of the output # generate one_by_one if 'input_ids_len' in batch: input_real_lens = batch['input_ids_len'] else: input_real_lens = torch.sum((batch['input_ids'] != self.tokenizer.pad_token_id).to(, dim=-1) output_sequences = [] for instance_id in range(batch_size): # remove the pad token instance = {key: batch[key][instance_id:instance_id+1][:,:input_real_lens[instance_id]] for key in batch if isinstance(batch[key], torch.Tensor) and batch[key].shape[:2]==torch.Size([batch_size, input_length])} self.generate_ith_token = 0 self.in_generation_function = True output_sequence = super().generate(**instance, **input_generation_kwargs, pad_token_id=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=self.tokenizer.eos_token_id) self.in_generation_function = False output_sequences.extend(output_sequence.cpu().tolist()) # TODO: to support generate multiple sentence generated_sentences = self.post_processing(output_sequences=output_sequences, input_lengths=input_real_lens.cpu().tolist()) if verbose:"Generated:{generated_sentences}") return output_sequences, generated_sentences
[docs] def post_processing(self, output_sequences, input_lengths): r""" Post-process the sequences generated by the generation model. Args: output_sequences (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The raw sequences generated by the generation model. input_lengths (:obj:`int` or `list`): The length(s) of the input sequence. Returns: :obj:`List`: The generated sentences that have been post-processed. """ generated_sentences = [] if type(input_lengths)==int: input_lengths = [input_lengths] * len(output_sequences) for sent_id, seq in enumerate(output_sequences): seq = seq[input_lengths[sent_id]:] if hasattr(self.tokenizer, "eos_token") and self.tokenizer.eos_token is not None: text_output = self.tokenizer.decode(seq, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, skip_special_tokens=False) idx = text_output.find(self.tokenizer.eos_token) if idx >= 0: text_output = text_output[:idx] else: text_output = self.tokenizer.decode(seq, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, skip_special_tokens=True) text_output = text_output.strip() generated_sentences.append(text_output) return generated_sentences
[docs] def prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, input_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **model_kwargs): r"""This function wraps the ``prepare_inputs_for_generation`` function in the huggingface transformers. When the `past` not in model_kwargs, we prepare the input from scratch. When `past` is in model_kwargs, we don't need to prepare the template wrapped input, instead we use the inner pretrain_models' function to prepare the next step's input. `model_kwargs` includes all the argument passed in the `batch`: InputFeatures, except ``input_ids`` , as long as they do not conflict with keywords in ``generation_kwargs``. if 'past' not in model_kwargs: # the past_key_value not in model_kwargs, then we need to prepare input from scrath , as long as they do not conflict with keywords in ``generation_kwargs``. Args: input_ids(:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. """ if self.generate_ith_token == 0 and 'encoder_outputs' not in model_kwargs: # generating the first token in decoder only setting. batch = InputFeatures(input_ids=input_ids, **model_kwargs) model_inputs = self.prompt_model.prepare_model_inputs(batch) # check the compatibility for more models. Having checked gpt2, T5 else: # generating the subsequence generation can use the default setting model_inputs = self.plm.prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, **model_kwargs) self.last_model_inputs = model_inputs # to update the model_kwargs in _update_model_kwargs_for_generation, in-place operation. return model_inputs
def _update_model_kwargs_for_generation(self, outputs, model_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], is_encoder_decoder: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" The parents class's ``_update_model_kwargs_for_generation`` method will add ``past_key_values`` to model_kwargs, and update ``token_type_ids``, and ``attention_mask_ids``. In case some of the model_kwargs are modified in the prepare_inputs_for_generation function and should be used as the subsequent model_kwargs, we update these kwargs before the parent class call. Other updates should be added here after the parent's function call. Args: outputs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): is_encoder_decoder (:obj:`bool`, defaults to False): """ if self.generate_ith_token == 0: for key in self.last_model_inputs: if key in model_kwargs: model_kwargs[key] = self.last_model_inputs[key] model_kwargs = super(PromptForGeneration, PromptForGeneration)._update_model_kwargs_for_generation(outputs=outputs, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, is_encoder_decoder=is_encoder_decoder) self.generate_ith_token += 1 return model_kwargs def _prepare_encoder_decoder_kwargs_for_generation( self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, model_kwargs, model_input_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" This function resemble the function in GeneraionMix Args: input_ids (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`) The input ids for """ if "encoder_outputs" not in model_kwargs: # retrieve encoder hidden states encoder = self.plm.get_encoder() encoder_kwargs = { argument: value for argument, value in model_kwargs.items() if not (argument.startswith("decoder_") or argument.startswith("cross_attn")) } model_input_name = model_input_name if model_input_name is not None else self.main_input_name batch = {model_input_name:input_ids, **encoder_kwargs} model_inputs = self.prompt_model.prepare_model_inputs(batch) # This line differs from the orinigal code base, we should process the input # with our template, then pass it into the model. # some of the arguments may have been changed by the template, # e.g. the attention mask. Here we update the model_kwargs for key in model_kwargs: if key in model_inputs: model_kwargs[key] = model_inputs[key] model_kwargs["encoder_outputs"] = encoder(return_dict=True, **model_inputs) return model_kwargs ## We comment this code since it conflict with [OpenDelta]( # def state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): # """ Save the model using template and plm's save methods. """ # _state_dict = {} # if not self.prompt_model.freeze_plm: # _state_dict['plm'] = self.plm.state_dict(*args, **kwargs) # _state_dict['template'] = self.template.state_dict(*args, **kwargs) # return _state_dict # def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, *args, **kwargs): # """ Load the model using template and plm's load methods. """ # if 'plm' in state_dict and not self.prompt_model.freeze_plm: # self.plm.load_state_dict(state_dict['plm'], *args, **kwargs) # self.template.load_state_dict(state_dict['template'], *args, **kwargs) def _reorder_cache(self, past, beam_idx): r"""Use the plm's default _reorder_cache function """ return self.plm._reorder_cache(past, beam_idx)
[docs] def parallelize(self, device_map=None): r"""Parallelize the model across device """ if hasattr(self.plm, "parallelize"): self.plm.parallelize(device_map) self.device_map = self.plm.device_map else: raise NotImplementedError("parallelize method was not implemented for this plm.")
[docs] def deparallelize(self): r"""Deparallelize the model across device """ if hasattr(self.plm, "deparallelize"): self.plm.deparallelize() self.device_map = None else: raise NotImplementedError("parallelize method was not implemented for this plm.")